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Front view shot on TNT studio, Shaq doesn’t look human-like, more of a zombie due to partying late and getting no sleep. Ernie Johnson walks from the left side of the shot and sees Shaq looking zombified.

CUT TO SHOT ErnieErnie Johnson: on man Shaq, you look like a zombie
CUT SHOT TO ShaqShaq: I’m so tired from partying last night, Ernie, I feel like a zombie.
CUT SHOT TO Ernie offering the coffeeErnie Johnson: Well try some of my coffee, I just went to Starbucks, see if this will wake you up
CUT SHOT TO Shaq looking at Ernie and takes the coffeeShaq: wow! thanks, Ernie, I feel alive now
*shaq snaps back to looking normal*
CUT SHOT TO FRONT VIEW Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley walk in slowly in the shot as zombies Kenny smith: *grunts*
Charles Barkley: *grunts*
CUT SHOT TO Shaq quickly turning to Ernie in confusion
CUT SHOT TO Ernie looking back at Shaq also in confusion
the screen blurs out, Starbucks logo appears(center) “Happy Halloween”(overlapping logo)

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