Social Media Writing

For this weeks post, I chose to pick Smartwater and Poland Spring for the two companies to compare. The platform i picked to compare them on is twitter because it’s a large platform where many organizations use to reach their consumers.

  1. so for Smartwater, the account seems to but ran in a relaxed manner, their tweets can sometimes be humorous or not even relate to their product(s) at all. Poland Spring’s account is ran more official where it’s more professional-like to only promote the water.
  2. by the looks of it, it seems clear that both organizations look to promote their water on twitter by the continuous updates on what they are pushing out and the ads they post.
  3. Smartwater posted that they now sponsor Gal Gadot, the lead actress of wonder woman, and people gave positive feedback on it. Poland Spring had posted a new raspberry flavor and people commented that it’s a good flavor and very likable.
  4. I think Smartwater is the better organization on Twitter because they’re more interactive with their fans and also the lack of professionalism that’s ran on the accounts gets their followers wants to interact with them more because they humor it.