Camera focuses in on a kitchen, John just got home from soccer practice and sees his mom

CUT to Johns face

CUT to Mom noticing black eye on John

CUT to John looking down

CUT to Mom getting ice from the freezer

CUT to Mom handing John ice

ZOOM in on Moms hand reaching for her son

CUT to Mom going to hug John

CUT to John reciprocating and hugging Mom back

CUT to John getting his belongings

CUT to John going upstairs

CUT to John loudly stating back
Mom: Hi John? How was practice today

Mom: John what happened?
Are you okay?

John: Yes everything is fine Mom, don’t worry about it.

Mom: John what is this about? Did you get into a fight?

John: No Mom, I got hit in the face at practice, and can we drop it now?

Mom: John, you have to be more careful.

John: I know I will I will

Mom: I love you John and I hate to see you all beat up, I know it upset you too.

John: Its okay, I gotta go do some homework now bye

Mom: Bye, dinners at 7pm, make sure you’re done by then.

John: I will