Writing for the Media at Dominican University. When writing for the media, it is important know how to write for mass audience consumption in newspapers, magazines, radio, television and social media, using not only text, but graphics, video, and photography as well. In this course, we will cover the spectrum. You will learn to write mass media in an array of environments.
This course is different from all other writing course that you have had in three important ways:
First, you will emphasize information since that is the primary objective when writing for the media. Your audience does not care about your thoughts or feelings about your topic. Your audience wants to know the facts in a manner presented accurately and completely.
Second, you will learn how to write in a write in an array of objective narratives.
Third, you will learn to will learn that unlike other writing you may have produced that might have just been read by your professor, when writing for the media you will write for mass consumption. To this end, you will understand how to write in a manner that will appeal to mass audiences.
Below you will find your name, which will link you to your personal news site.
The schedule of weekly assignments can be found in the navigation menu in the left sidebar. Each weekly assignment will be revealed and viewable by noon every Monday of the semester.