PR Inverted Pyramid
This week we will examine the writing for public relations.
There is a fairly standard format for creating press releases. Using this format will help your credibility and chances of being published by a news outlet. Each press release should include the following:
PRESS RELEASE WRITING STYLE: There is a standard writing style for press releases. Journalists expect to see this format and by using it, you will greatly increase the chance your press release will be published or aired as written.
The first element is an attention-getting headline. Please follow the elements for writing effective titles that we studied earlier this semester.
The body of the press release should be written in the “Inverted Pyramid” style, which we also examined earlier this semester. In this style, the most important part of a story and critical details are communicated first. After the most crucial news is presented in the first paragraph, each succeeding paragraph fills in the rest of the story with details and background in descending order of importance.
PRESS RELEASE LENGTH: Be concise. The ideal length of a press release is about 300 to 400 words. That’s just three or four short paragraphs and a couple of quotes.
Please view the PR Inverted Pyramid at the top of this page to see the press release format. Employing good grammar, sentence structure and spelling are imperative.
Assignment Week 13:
Please write a 300 -400 word press release as discussed in Chapter 12 in your textbook and using the template above. The subject matter is up to you, but it must be a real event at Dominican University or another community. It is acceptable write about something connected with a school organization or group (i.e. club, a team, service organization) to which you are connected. It would be ideal to include a quotation from someone familiar with the subject matter, but for this assignment, it is simply encouraged; it is not mandatory.
Finally, please do not forget to screenshot your work and submit it on Blackboard by Sunday at 11:59 PM.