
Listing: Why It Makes You Feel So Accomplished

Have you ever had so much to do that it’s so beyond overwhelming you just shut down? Welcome to my life! Now, I may be speaking for a lot of us here because I understand that everyone probably takes on way more than they can handle sometimes. I know I take on wayyyyyy to many tasks, but I’m young and I can! I’m a full time student taking 18 credits with a major and a minor, I work part time, and volunteer a couple nights a week. By the time I get home from work, after I’ve done a 6-hour school day, it’s around 9:00 and I need to start doing my homework.

Now this is not at all scientifically proven, but this is Autumn proven. This is why listing makes me feel accomplished.

Start listing out what you need to do, one at a time. Even if it’s small things like washing dishes or doing small homework assignments. On the side, you can see one of my To Do pages in my planner that I use quite often to list things out. I find it very helpful. As I’m done, I check or cross it off and the list is shorter. There’s nothing better than seeing a huge list get smaller. It makes it look like you’re getting something done, as little as it may be.

I always start with my smaller tasks. I like checking thing off and seeing the list get shorter, so the smaller things get done quicker…making the list smaller faster.

Once you’ve accomplished a few small tasks, you feel accomplished. To me, this gives me motivation to get more things done. I want to keep making that list shorter, so I go through most of my To Do’s quite quickly.

Make some lists, cross things out, and Happy Planning!

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