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    9.10 AP Style

    1. Do you order Girl Scout Cookies or Girl Scout cookies (that is, with or without a capital C)? Without a capital C
    1. Hyphenated or not: “a week-long event” or “a weeklong event”? Yes Hyphenated
    1. Are those emails from Nigerian princes examples of Spam (capitalized) or spam (lower case)? Yes Spam and yes to capitalized 
    1. When conducting research, should Wikipedia be used as a primary source?No Never
    1. Which of the following are trademarks and should be capitalized (if, indeed, they have to be used at all): Velcro, Frisbee, Breathalyzer, Styrofoam, Band-Aid? Band-Aid thats it
    1. When using the “micro blogging platform” known as Twitter, does one Twitter or Tweet? You Tweet out a status and use the app called twitter
    1. Is it correct to use tidal wave as a synonym for tsunami?Tsunami
    1. Which of the following may be used in an AP news story: ditto marks [〃], italics, brackets? Italics
    1. Arbitrate and mediate both appear in reports about labor negotiations, but only one of the terms calls for the handing down of a decision. Which one? Arbitrate
    1. Which is correct: associate degree or associate’s degree? Associates degree 
    1. In a recipe, two cupfuls or cupsful? Two cups
    1. Which of the following social media terms are acceptable to the AP editors: app, mashup, retweet, unfriend, click-thrus? Retweet
    1. Do you visit a Web site or a website? Website
    1. Does writer’s guide need that apostrophe? NO
    1. Which pronoun should be used in reference to a ship, she or it? She
    1. Which of the following words and phrases should be avoided (except when in quoted matter)?



    Coke (as a slang term for cocaine)

    Handicap (in describing a disability)

    Scotch (to describe the people of Scotland)

    1. Is it acceptable to use the term “Obamacare” anywhere in a news story? Yes
    1. Is there any difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? Yes
    1. What does fulsome mean? I Have no clue 
    1. What is the difference (if any) between farther and further? Farther is over there and further is it is more over there
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